Annual Report 2018 | September 2019
Looking ahead
Building on progress
In the final year of the DBA, parties aim to publish two value chain analyses (on Gold and Oil & Gas), the final year report and the KPIs developed for reporting on human rights. In addition, the parties and adhering banks will work on implementing follow-up steps based on the value chain analyses (Cocoa and Palm Oil) and the Enabling Remediation Working Group’s findings; carrying out the ideas for follow-up actions identified and formulated by the Increasing Leverage Working Group; and developing transparency KPIs, HR reporting and other elements that may ultimately be added to the UNGP RF. Everyone is determined to ensure the DBA learnings are solidly anchored in the human rights policies & practices of adhering banks.
We also look forward to planned highlights during 2019, including the Banking & Human Rights Conference, being organised in November by parties and adhering banks in cooperation with the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights. The conference will hopefully bring us closer to an international level playing field with regard to human rights.
And finally, one of the things that makes the DBA dynamic is its relatively short planned lifespan of just three years. This discourages putting off decisions or activities, and forces adhering banks and parties to take stock and decide what needs to happen after Year 3. No one doubts there is still much to be done. The question is, what’s the best way to achieve the most in the shortest time: by continuing the collaboration in its current form, or developing new arrangements? During 2019, we will decide on potential future collaboration.